
Tuesday 22 November 2016


Like any cook trying to think of something to make every day brings it challenges. So last Friday when I asked Barb what should we have for dinner, she said make it simple- soup and a grilled cheese sandwich. So I cheated and made Campbell's tomato soup and a grilled cheese- slices of Canadian Cheddar Cheese on multigrain bread fried in a frying pan. We have a little grilled cheese maker but too much effort to pull it from the cupboard.
Saturday night another opportunity to slack off. Calling from the club I asked Barb what do you want for dinner. She did not cook as she had been busy with Christmas stuff, housework and all the activities she tries to jam in a Saturday. Meat, chicken but not a sandwich! I sometimes like to get her a pannini from Tim's! So that was out! And she wanted a salad.
Why not Swiss Chalet? Coming home as it was early, I ordered from home- two quarter chicken dinners- one with fries and one with the baked potato.  I decided to make our own salad as I am not fussy about their ingredients. I do not like shredded carrots in my salad. Barb usually rolls her eyes when I say that! I used their discount coupon at Barb's request. I hate using coupons.
I only ate half of my baked potato as I am trying to watch my weight. Barb ate half her fries but somehow I managed to eat her other half.
Sunday breakfast- peameal bacon, eggs and toast with a second cup of coffee.
So some good old comfort foods for the weekend. But I am back to making a hardy vegetable soup for the week. Barb will take a large container to work today and freeze some for other times.
Maybe I should watch a cooking show to get inspired. Or make my old standbys. Some homemade gnocchi anyone with ragu sauce?

Wednesday 9 November 2016


I  love making soups and stews now that the cooler weather is here. Barb likes the soups. She freezes some containers to take for her lunches. Fast and easy to put in her lunch bag. Frozen then thaws by lunch time. Eggs were on sale so maybe it's time for some homemade egg noodles for pasta. The cooler weather makes it easier to make. The dough holds better. All these food items are available in previous posts. The same old recipes make for good eating. Barb may pull out the bread maker her mother gave her years ago for Christmas. The smell of fresh bread baking would be another wonderful addition to the cooler weather.
Oh for some fresh pasta anyone!
Some soup on the stove.
Barb's favourite- vegetable soup! Maybe I will watch some of those Italian shows for some ideas of new dishes to make my family.