Sunday 3 March 2013


Okay peameal bacon is not Italian. It is even not American. If you wanted to name Canadian foods-well this ranks high! It can be enjoyed many ways. On a fresh bun or served with eggs. Barb likes a couple of slices with a couple of slices of tomato for breakfast. My Uncle Joe or Zio Giosue who lived in Detroit Michigan used to love this bacon. Whenever he would visit, he would buy a good supply so he could freeze it. I think he liked to visit us not just to see my Mom- his sister- but restock his supply! It is one Canadian food I really love too!


  1. Nothing but the best made bacon in Canada!

  2. I love peameal bacon. A simple breakfast like Adolph wrote- two slices with a couple of slices of tomato and a little ketchup on the side for dipping. Great start to the day.
