Saturday 5 January 2013


Barb made some English Trifle for a dinner party in December. She had not made it for many years as the children and grandchildren started to prefer other desserts. A group of friends made it more desirable.


Pound cake 1 or 2 flavours- Barb chose butter cake and chocolate.
Chocolate jello pudding.
Powdered custard.
Jar of cherries.
Fresh or canned fruit. Barb chose a can of peaches. Or your fruit of choice.
Some liqueur or cognac or brandy or vermouth- 1 or 2 tablespoons.
Whipping cream.


Make the custard according to the directions on the container.

In a fancy dessert bowl or trifle bowl, place some of the butter cake in sliced pieces to fill the space. Drizzle a tablespoon or two of the spirits of choice on the cake. Barb used some vermouth.

Sprinkle some cherries on the cake then add the cooked custard to fill the whole layer. Poke the cake so the custard can drizzle down to the bottom of the bowl.

Cut the chocolate cake in slices and fill the next layer to the edges.

Make the chocolate pudding.

Put the peaches cut in fine pieces on top of the chocolate cake. You can use any fruit you want. Strawberries or raspberries work very well in a trifle.

Put the chocolate pudding on top of the cake and peaches. Again make sure it drizzles along the edges.

The trick to a great trifle is to use fresh whipping cream. So whip the cream by hand or with a mixer adding a little sugar and vanilla extract if you want.

When whipped put on the top of the trifle. For some effect add a few cherries to the centre of the top.

Ecco la- English Trifle- Barb style!!

And with  some cherries on top! Our guests enjoyed this simple dessert!

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