Sunday 29 March 2015


I made myself some bacala soup. For Barb I sautéed some shrimp in garlic and butter to put on top of the fettuccine - freshly made in a cream sauce. For vegetables, rapini and roast peppers with garlic and olive oil. Not bad for a Saturday night quick meal.
During the week, I made some fresh egg noodle pasta with a meat sauce- giving most of it to my two working daughters and families. My sons-in-law love my cooking too.
As Easter approaches, I will be trying to blend the two cultures- Canadian and Italian. I have noticed lots of reads for my Easter canascione. It really is true dish from the Ciociaria region.
Meanwhile the daily cooking continues. Barb loved her meal topped off with a little glass of white wine. It will be a busy week for traditional cooks and bakers. Easter like other holidays has its festive dishes. I was thinking I might make a lasagna. My mother used to make one every Easter. It could keep some traditions alive. Happy Palm Sunday everyone as we enter the Easter Holy Week.

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