Saturday 31 December 2016


Each year brings lots of food enjoyment.The larger versions can be found on previous blog posts.
Dinner at VIVO in Richmond Hill. Restaurant of Andrea and Joey- family.
Gourmet meal at friends- Rose and Paul for a summer delight!
Oh those birthday celebrations that bring cake and more cake! Just one of many!
Oh those markets! Aurora!
Lindsay market was the most fun and farthest from home!
Newmarket was an easy drive.
Harvey's burgers and fries with family at Deerhurst Inn-Huntsville! A wonderful day trip to be with family!
Italian traditional food at Christmas- figs, prickly pears and pomegranates. Lots of Torrone too!
In March, we finished the cookbook in a good final draft to be reviewed and find a market! I still love to cook and will be finding new themes to share with you my readers. Oh Granpa loves to cook because Granpa loves to eat. What will 2017 bring! More good cooking of course!

1 comment:

  1. St. Francis greeted people with the words "Pace e bene", which is the essential salute. I wish you all the best 2017 ...
