Sunday 20 May 2012


Pancakes are a very Canadian food to make. Since Barb and I celebrated our 41st anniversary this week on May 15th, I thought it would be fun to show I really did love to cook.

Cooking for my sweetie on our Hawaiian honeymoon May 20, 1971.

Now I make pancakes for my little grandchildren.

Of course, the best way is to use the mix from an Aunt Jemima box! You really did not think I had an Italian recipe for it, did you? The grandkiddies like her syrup as well. Barb prefers good old fashioned Canadian maple syrup.

It is fun to make the little pancakes. Sometimes I try to make shapes for the kids. As everyone knows, I am still a kid at heart!

Big pancakes, little pancakes- always taste good- alone or add your favourite ham, bacon or sausage! With a good cup of coffee or a glass of milk for the younger crowd!


  1. What a nice granpa! He still makes me pancakes too!

  2. Well, I take it a step or two further. First, I use a whole wheat pancake mix. Second, I add some whole or chopped fruit to the mix (e.g., blue berries, bananas, apples). And, I use a no-sugar added syrup that I heat-up in the microwave.
