Tuesday 22 November 2016


Like any cook trying to think of something to make every day brings it challenges. So last Friday when I asked Barb what should we have for dinner, she said make it simple- soup and a grilled cheese sandwich. So I cheated and made Campbell's tomato soup and a grilled cheese- slices of Canadian Cheddar Cheese on multigrain bread fried in a frying pan. We have a little grilled cheese maker but too much effort to pull it from the cupboard.
Saturday night another opportunity to slack off. Calling from the club I asked Barb what do you want for dinner. She did not cook as she had been busy with Christmas stuff, housework and all the activities she tries to jam in a Saturday. Meat, chicken but not a sandwich! I sometimes like to get her a pannini from Tim's! So that was out! And she wanted a salad.
Why not Swiss Chalet? Coming home as it was early, I ordered from home- two quarter chicken dinners- one with fries and one with the baked potato.  I decided to make our own salad as I am not fussy about their ingredients. I do not like shredded carrots in my salad. Barb usually rolls her eyes when I say that! I used their discount coupon at Barb's request. I hate using coupons.
I only ate half of my baked potato as I am trying to watch my weight. Barb ate half her fries but somehow I managed to eat her other half.
Sunday breakfast- peameal bacon, eggs and toast with a second cup of coffee.
So some good old comfort foods for the weekend. But I am back to making a hardy vegetable soup for the week. Barb will take a large container to work today and freeze some for other times.
Maybe I should watch a cooking show to get inspired. Or make my old standbys. Some homemade gnocchi anyone with ragu sauce?

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