Sunday, 14 October 2018


Having a house guest gives an opportunity to cook nice dinners. Well Barb is cooking the dinners. Had a lamb dinner. Steak barbecue. Pizza night more than once. Barb tries to make everything wonderful for guests. Favourite drinks, Desserts and all the trimmings. I just get to eat and enjoy everything. Besides it is refreshing to have someone else to talk about all my life concerns and listen to the other person. Eating and talking. Talking and eating. What more do we need in life.? Granpa still loves to cook but also eat and talk..

Monday, 8 October 2018


Barb did the usual Thanksgiving dinner with all the Canadian trimmings- bread stuffing, cranberry sauce, mashed potatoes and gravy. But we do start with lots of appetizers. Everyone loves the prosciutto on bread sticks. She always adds some Italian sausage, mushrooms to please me. Brussel sprouts are loved by everyone. Our daughters love the peas the way I make them with a little oil and onion sauteed then add the peas with some water and let them simmer so the water boils down.Barb always buys a couple of extra turkey legs so no one will fight over the two available ones. She likes to makes everyone happy. I just like to eat.
My girls bring the pies and other goodies. As usual lots of leftovers for several days.I don't like leftovers. But Barb says it is a Canadian tradition to eat Turkey dinner leftovers for several days. I like the Italian tradition to get back to regular eating. Where is my pasta??

Thursday, 4 October 2018


It is good to have another pair of ears to discuss life. Eating and talking are always good combinations. So Barb made a nice lamb dinner with rosemary potatoes, carrots and some red pepper. All baked in the oven for an easy preparation. Of course, it needed more salt. But the fresh rosemary from our garden made the lamb very flavourful.
Lamb is often an Easter dinner. But our house guest loves lamb so it was a good Wednesday night meal.