Sunday 9 October 2016


Okay the turkey and all the trimmings is Barb's domain. Thanksgiving is a Canadian tradition.  So this Italian born Canadian should not mess with the tradition. Appetizers- some veggies & dip, crackers, little fishes for the kids, porscuitto wrapped on bread sticks, olives, pickles and 3 cheeses plus some boccincini.  But Barb let's me make the brussel sprouts my way- boiled then sauteed in olive oil, garlic and a little hot pepper; the mushroom sauteed in olive oil and garlic as well as the broccoli- boiled then sauteed in olive oil, garlic and a little hot pepper. Barb always includes a few Italian sausages. Barb makes her mother's bread stuffing for the turkey. The secret ingredient a little dash of ginger. One dish everyone loves including me! The girls bring the pies- pumpkin and apple. Of course there is lots of ice cream for the dessert. So mostly Canadian traditions with lots of mashed potato, squash, sweet potato, peas and dinners rolls. But Barb let's me help to make some new family traditions as long as I stay out of her way.
Of course, some crunchy Italian bread and buns are a must!
#thanksgiving2016Barb's house


  1. maybe you need a bigger kitchen ... we sure do!

  2. Great meal with the family. Of course, Adolph mentioned to all that the food might need salt because Barb doesn't use much salt!
